
My new piece for soprano and piano “I tell you yet again…”will get the world premiere by Duo Kolarova Nørgård on 18th November in Roskilde, Denmark. Unfortunately I can’t join you for the concert but if you are in the city around, please come join them to listen to their repertory “SHAKESPEARES DAMER(SHAKESPEARES LADIES)”. This piece “I tell you yet again…” is composed with the inspiration from Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” and I composed this while I was trapped in Bergen, Norway in this spring. I read Macbeth for the first time and got drawn into the scene the Lady Macbeth gets sleepwalking and says “Wash your hands” for many times. That

My new piece for soprano and piano “I tell you yet again…”will get the world premiere by Duo Kolarova Nørgård on 18th November in Roskilde, Denmark. Unfortunately I can’t join you for the concert but if you are in the city around, please come join them to listen to their repertory “SHAKESPEARES DAMER(SHAKESPEARES LADIES)”. This piece “I tell you yet again…” is composed with the inspiration from Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” and I composed this while I was trapped in Bergen, Norway in this spring. I read Macbeth for the first time and got drawn into the scene the Lady Macbeth gets sleepwalking and says “Wash your hands” for many times. That

24 Oct 2020; Japanese Water Music
Under the Umbrella It has been already three years since I started writing this piece. It was right after my opera “Skyggen(The Shadow)” and I was very much interested in raining, water and shadow at that time. Yes, I am now too. Under the umbrella, it’s kinda personal space. You cold cover your face and body and also protect yourself from something outside, the rain. Sometimes you can share that space with another one, but often with someone special. The rain itself doesn’t have sound. When it teaches something it sounds. You can’t have a relationship by your own, you need someone to have it. If you are in Aarhus,

24 Oct 2020; Japanese Water Music
Under the Umbrella It has been already three years since I started writing this piece. It was right after my opera “Skyggen(The Shadow)” and I was very much interested in raining, water and shadow at that time. Yes, I am now too. Under the umbrella, it’s kinda personal space. You cold cover your face and body and also protect yourself from something outside, the rain. Sometimes you can share that space with another one, but often with someone special. The rain itself doesn’t have sound. When it teaches something it sounds. You can’t have a relationship by your own, you need someone to have it. If you are in Aarhus,

3,5 September 2020; Beauty of Everyday Things
New piece, new concert is happening very soon. My new piece “The Beauty of Everyday Things” will be performed very soon at 3daysofdesign 2020 on 3rd and 5th September. It is a collaboration project with Yōnobi , studio 0405 and a photographer/videographer Maya Matsuura and the music will be performed by a cellist Ida Nørby. Our intention in creating this film + live music collaboration is to find the dot between Danish aesthetic and Japanese aesthetic by referring to the word “mingei”, the beauty of everyday things. Mingei is the Japanese folk art movement, developed in the late 1920s and 1930s in Japan. The founder, Yanagi Sōetsu discovered beauty in

3,5 September 2020; Beauty of Everyday Things
New piece, new concert is happening very soon. My new piece “The Beauty of Everyday Things” will be performed very soon at 3daysofdesign 2020 on 3rd and 5th September. It is a collaboration project with Yōnobi , studio 0405 and a photographer/videographer Maya Matsuura and the music will be performed by a cellist Ida Nørby. Our intention in creating this film + live music collaboration is to find the dot between Danish aesthetic and Japanese aesthetic by referring to the word “mingei”, the beauty of everyday things. Mingei is the Japanese folk art movement, developed in the late 1920s and 1930s in Japan. The founder, Yanagi Sōetsu discovered beauty in

30 Aug 2020; Another Composer Coffee #6: Aya Yoshida
Hello folks! I’m very excited to announce that I’m featured at the lovely event Another Composers Coffee organized by Damkapellet on 30th August. The event starts at 19:30 at Koncertkirken and I will talk about my career as a composer, my work and upcoming projects. You all are more than welcome regardless of gender and occupations! HERE! 来る8月30日、素敵なイベントに登壇いたします。 女性作曲家や、女性音楽家に焦点をあてコペンハーゲンを拠点に活動するオーガニゼーションDamkappelletさんのイベントシリーズ”Another Composers Coffee”に今回ご招待いただき、これまでの活動、作品またこれからの活動についてお話しさせていただく予定です。名前の通り、コーヒーを飲みながら気軽にというコンセプトのイベントですので、職業問わず、性別問わずたくさんの方に気軽に楽しんでいただけるトークイベントになればと思っています。会場はノアブロのKoncertkirkeにて、19:30からスタートです。たくさんの方にお目にかかれますこと楽しみにしております。

30 Aug 2020; Another Composer Coffee #6: Aya Yoshida
Hello folks! I’m very excited to announce that I’m featured at the lovely event Another Composers Coffee organized by Damkapellet on 30th August. The event starts at 19:30 at Koncertkirken and I will talk about my career as a composer, my work and upcoming projects. You all are more than welcome regardless of gender and occupations! HERE! 来る8月30日、素敵なイベントに登壇いたします。 女性作曲家や、女性音楽家に焦点をあてコペンハーゲンを拠点に活動するオーガニゼーションDamkappelletさんのイベントシリーズ”Another Composers Coffee”に今回ご招待いただき、これまでの活動、作品またこれからの活動についてお話しさせていただく予定です。名前の通り、コーヒーを飲みながら気軽にというコンセプトのイベントですので、職業問わず、性別問わずたくさんの方に気軽に楽しんでいただけるトークイベントになればと思っています。会場はノアブロのKoncertkirkeにて、19:30からスタートです。たくさんの方にお目にかかれますこと楽しみにしております。
MUJI for Double Bass
On 3rd August, my piece “MUJI” for double bass was broadcasted by Concertzender Nederland . The performance was by James Oesi You can still listen to it from the link down below. Thank you! HERE! オーストリア国立ラジオに引き続き、先日オランダのラジオConcertzender Nederland さんにて自作品”MUJI”が放送されました。まだ上記のリンク先からご視聴できるようですのでよければお聞きください。
MUJI for Double Bass
On 3rd August, my piece “MUJI” for double bass was broadcasted by Concertzender Nederland . The performance was by James Oesi You can still listen to it from the link down below. Thank you! HERE! オーストリア国立ラジオに引き続き、先日オランダのラジオConcertzender Nederland さんにて自作品”MUJI”が放送されました。まだ上記のリンク先からご視聴できるようですのでよければお聞きください。
8, 9 Aug 2020; Hans Christian Andersen Show
The Tivoli Youth Guardwill have Hans Christian Andersen Show (family show) on 8th and 9th August at Tivoli Koncertsal in Tivoli Garden, which includes my new piece “Nightingale” inspired by his fairytale “Nightingale”. I wrote this piece with thinking about the gorgeous Chinese garden, the nightingale has beautiful tweeting and his unique story which has some messages behind. Please come join us if you are in the city. Welcome for all the children and adults! 8th Aug. 13:00/16:00 9th Aug 13:00/16:00 HERE! 来る8月8日、9日チボリ公園内チボリコンサートホールにて、チボリガード によるアンデルセンショー開催されます。このショーはチボリガードがかの有名なデンマーク人作家アンデルセンのおはなしを音楽で旅するというもので、今回わたしはその中のひとつ、”ナイチンゲール(夜鳴き鴬)”のおはなしを音楽にさせていただきました。裸の王様、みにくいアヒルの子など日本でも有名作品は多いのですが、お恥ずかしながらこの”ナイチンゲール”はわたし自身幼少の頃に馴染みがなく、今回作品を書くにあたって改めて読みました。中国の美しいお庭、森に住むナイチンゲールが目に浮かぶとても美しいお話しです。今回の作品では、お話しをご存知ない方にもお分かりいただけるよう、お話しの内容を忠実に音楽で表現することを試みました。 バードコールとピッコロの二重奏、そこにミュートをつけたトランペットの偽物のナイチンゲールがやってきます。登場人物の感情や、アンデルセン自身が伝えたかったであろう物語に隠されたメッセージを音楽で表現することはとても楽しかったです。 8月8日、9日コペンハーゲンにお住まいの方はぜひ、お越し下さい。こちら、家族向けの公演となりますので、お子様も大人の方もお楽しみいただけます。私も今から初演が楽しみです。
8, 9 Aug 2020; Hans Christian Andersen Show
The Tivoli Youth Guardwill have Hans Christian Andersen Show (family show) on 8th and 9th August at Tivoli Koncertsal in Tivoli Garden, which includes my new piece “Nightingale” inspired by his fairytale “Nightingale”. I wrote this piece with thinking about the gorgeous Chinese garden, the nightingale has beautiful tweeting and his unique story which has some messages behind. Please come join us if you are in the city. Welcome for all the children and adults! 8th Aug. 13:00/16:00 9th Aug 13:00/16:00 HERE! 来る8月8日、9日チボリ公園内チボリコンサートホールにて、チボリガード によるアンデルセンショー開催されます。このショーはチボリガードがかの有名なデンマーク人作家アンデルセンのおはなしを音楽で旅するというもので、今回わたしはその中のひとつ、”ナイチンゲール(夜鳴き鴬)”のおはなしを音楽にさせていただきました。裸の王様、みにくいアヒルの子など日本でも有名作品は多いのですが、お恥ずかしながらこの”ナイチンゲール”はわたし自身幼少の頃に馴染みがなく、今回作品を書くにあたって改めて読みました。中国の美しいお庭、森に住むナイチンゲールが目に浮かぶとても美しいお話しです。今回の作品では、お話しをご存知ない方にもお分かりいただけるよう、お話しの内容を忠実に音楽で表現することを試みました。 バードコールとピッコロの二重奏、そこにミュートをつけたトランペットの偽物のナイチンゲールがやってきます。登場人物の感情や、アンデルセン自身が伝えたかったであろう物語に隠されたメッセージを音楽で表現することはとても楽しかったです。 8月8日、9日コペンハーゲンにお住まいの方はぜひ、お越し下さい。こちら、家族向けの公演となりますので、お子様も大人の方もお楽しみいただけます。私も今から初演が楽しみです。

12 January 2020; Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam – #5
Happy New year. Hope it is gonna be an amazing year this year for all of you. My piece ‘MUJI” for Double Bass will be performed again by James Oesi in Amsterdam on Sunday on 12th January 2020. It’s the 5th performance for the piece! Looking forward to seeing a lot of you there. I am coming! Thank you. HERE! あけましておめでとうございます。今年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。本年初のコンサートのお知らせです。昨年夏のアムステルダムの初演からユトレヒト、デンボス、そしてイギリスでの演奏の後、この度コントラバスのソロのための作品”MUJI”が再びアムステルダムにて演奏されることとなりました。今週の日曜日多くの方にお目にかかれますこと、楽しみにしております。再演ごとに演奏家と、作品の新たな発見をすることも作曲家としてとても楽しみにしていることの一つです。

12 January 2020; Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam – #5
Happy New year. Hope it is gonna be an amazing year this year for all of you. My piece ‘MUJI” for Double Bass will be performed again by James Oesi in Amsterdam on Sunday on 12th January 2020. It’s the 5th performance for the piece! Looking forward to seeing a lot of you there. I am coming! Thank you. HERE! あけましておめでとうございます。今年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。本年初のコンサートのお知らせです。昨年夏のアムステルダムの初演からユトレヒト、デンボス、そしてイギリスでの演奏の後、この度コントラバスのソロのための作品”MUJI”が再びアムステルダムにて演奏されることとなりました。今週の日曜日多くの方にお目にかかれますこと、楽しみにしております。再演ごとに演奏家と、作品の新たな発見をすることも作曲家としてとても楽しみにしていることの一つです。

21 Novermber 2019; Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
My piece MUJI for double bass solo will be performed again by James Oesi at Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival on 21st November.

21 Novermber 2019; Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
My piece MUJI for double bass solo will be performed again by James Oesi at Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival on 21st November.

24 October 2019; Calgary New Music Festival 2019
My piece “Filigree” will be performed again by Ensemble airborne extended at Calgary New Music Festival on 24th October.

24 October 2019; Calgary New Music Festival 2019
My piece “Filigree” will be performed again by Ensemble airborne extended at Calgary New Music Festival on 24th October.

18 October 2019; Vancouver New Music Festival 2019
My music is traveling to Canada! My music “filigree” for flute, recorder and harpsichord will be performed again by Airborne extended on 18th October in Vancouver Music Festival.

18 October 2019; Vancouver New Music Festival 2019
My music is traveling to Canada! My music “filigree” for flute, recorder and harpsichord will be performed again by Airborne extended on 18th October in Vancouver Music Festival.

9 November, 2019: JAMES OESI / VINCENT VAN AMSTERDAM Nieuwe Noten
My piece “MUJI” for double bass solo will be performed again at November Music festival on 9th November, at Babel in ’s-Hertogenbosch.

9 November, 2019: JAMES OESI / VINCENT VAN AMSTERDAM Nieuwe Noten
My piece “MUJI” for double bass solo will be performed again at November Music festival on 9th November, at Babel in ’s-Hertogenbosch.

8 September, 2019:Concert de l’Académie Voix Nouvelles Compositeurs II Les Métaboles, Quatuor Mivos
My new piece “The Shadow in The Rain”for 16 voices and double bass will be performed by Les Métaboles and the double bassist Florentin Ginot at Réfectoire des moines in Royaumont, France.

8 September, 2019:Concert de l’Académie Voix Nouvelles Compositeurs II Les Métaboles, Quatuor Mivos
My new piece “The Shadow in The Rain”for 16 voices and double bass will be performed by Les Métaboles and the double bassist Florentin Ginot at Réfectoire des moines in Royaumont, France.

6 September, 2019: Gaudeamus Muziekfestival
My new piece “MUJI” for Double Bass will be performed by James Oesi in Gaudeamus Music Festival in Utrecht, The Netherlands on 6th September 2019.

6 September, 2019: Gaudeamus Muziekfestival
My new piece “MUJI” for Double Bass will be performed by James Oesi in Gaudeamus Music Festival in Utrecht, The Netherlands on 6th September 2019.

24 August, 2019: Floating – Architecture x Contemporary music-
Floating -Architecture x Contemporary music- Koncert i Tea House Ø

24 August, 2019: Floating – Architecture x Contemporary music-
Floating -Architecture x Contemporary music- Koncert i Tea House Ø

Tivoli Youth Guard “TIVOLI-GARDENS 175-ÅRS VALS… tilegnet de unge Gardere…(175-ANNIVERSARY WALTZ OF THE TIVOLI YOUTH GUARD… dedicated to the young guard members…)”
I finally listened to the performance of my piece “TIVOLI-GARDENS 175-ÅRS VALS… tilegnet de unge Gardere…(175-ANNIVERSARY WALTZ OF THE TIVOLI YOUTH GUARD… dedicated to the young guard members…)” by Tivoli Youth Guard today at Tivoli garden in Copenhagen.

Tivoli Youth Guard “TIVOLI-GARDENS 175-ÅRS VALS… tilegnet de unge Gardere…(175-ANNIVERSARY WALTZ OF THE TIVOLI YOUTH GUARD… dedicated to the young guard members…)”
I finally listened to the performance of my piece “TIVOLI-GARDENS 175-ÅRS VALS… tilegnet de unge Gardere…(175-ANNIVERSARY WALTZ OF THE TIVOLI YOUTH GUARD… dedicated to the young guard members…)” by Tivoli Youth Guard today at Tivoli garden in Copenhagen.

15 August, 2019: Grachten Festival
My piece “MUJI ” for Double bass will be premiered by James Oesi in GRACHTENFESTIVAL in Amsterdam on 15th August. Please come join us if you are in the city.

15 August, 2019: Grachten Festival
My piece “MUJI ” for Double bass will be premiered by James Oesi in GRACHTENFESTIVAL in Amsterdam on 15th August. Please come join us if you are in the city.

7 June, 2019: KONCERT – The secret in the sound
My piece “Ma” for soprano and recorder will be performed again in Copenhagen on 17th June. Please come join us if you are in the city!

7 June, 2019: KONCERT – The secret in the sound
My piece “Ma” for soprano and recorder will be performed again in Copenhagen on 17th June. Please come join us if you are in the city!

175-ANNIVERSARY WALTZ OF THE TIVOLI YOUTH GUARD… dedicated to the young guard members
My brand-new pice “TIVOLI-GARDENS 175-ÅRS VALS… tilegnet de unge Gardere…(175-ANNIVERSARY WALTZ OF THE TIVOLI YOUTH GUARD… dedicated to the young guard members…)” will be performed by Tivoli Youth Guard -the 175 years old a cultural and national Danish icon from this spring in Tivoli Garden in Denmark.

175-ANNIVERSARY WALTZ OF THE TIVOLI YOUTH GUARD… dedicated to the young guard members
My brand-new pice “TIVOLI-GARDENS 175-ÅRS VALS… tilegnet de unge Gardere…(175-ANNIVERSARY WALTZ OF THE TIVOLI YOUTH GUARD… dedicated to the young guard members…)” will be performed by Tivoli Youth Guard -the 175 years old a cultural and national Danish icon from this spring in Tivoli Garden in Denmark.

6 March, 2019:Panorama festival Ensemble airborne extended
My new piece Filigree for flute, recorder and cembalo will be performed by Ensemble Airborne Extended on 6th March 2019 in Aarhus, Denmark.

6 March, 2019:Panorama festival Ensemble airborne extended
My new piece Filigree for flute, recorder and cembalo will be performed by Ensemble Airborne Extended on 6th March 2019 in Aarhus, Denmark.

24 February, 2019: Debutkoncert. Kirsten Aage
My new piece “Ma” will be performed by the fantastic recorder player Kirsten Aage and the singer Helle Thun on 24th of February at the beautiful museum Glyptoteket in Copenhagen, Denmark.

24 February, 2019: Debutkoncert. Kirsten Aage
My new piece “Ma” will be performed by the fantastic recorder player Kirsten Aage and the singer Helle Thun on 24th of February at the beautiful museum Glyptoteket in Copenhagen, Denmark.

23 October,2018: Komponistoj
The new version of my piece “Pointed toe” will be performed by the member of Ensemble reconsil in Reaktor on 23rd of October 2018. HERE!

23 October,2018: Komponistoj
The new version of my piece “Pointed toe” will be performed by the member of Ensemble reconsil in Reaktor on 23rd of October 2018. HERE!

8 September,2018: Allegro Vivo Chamber Music Festival
My first improvisation piece called “Cello-Go-Round” will be performed in the concert “Klangreise” in Allegro Vivo Chamber Music Festival,the music festival in Austria on 8th September.

8 September,2018: Allegro Vivo Chamber Music Festival
My first improvisation piece called “Cello-Go-Round” will be performed in the concert “Klangreise” in Allegro Vivo Chamber Music Festival,the music festival in Austria on 8th September.

20 June,2018:Master’s guitar-gig: Mathias Klarlund
I’m so happy to share this event with all of you! My brand new piece “Rock ‘n’ Roll” will be performed by this coolest guitarist in his final concert in Royal Danish Academy of Music on 20th of June.

20 June,2018:Master’s guitar-gig: Mathias Klarlund
I’m so happy to share this event with all of you! My brand new piece “Rock ‘n’ Roll” will be performed by this coolest guitarist in his final concert in Royal Danish Academy of Music on 20th of June.

16, 17 November 2017, Skyggen by Aya Yoshida
I am so happy to announce that I am having my very first opera on 16th and 17th of November 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark. About the details HERE

16, 17 November 2017, Skyggen by Aya Yoshida
I am so happy to announce that I am having my very first opera on 16th and 17th of November 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark. About the details HERE

19 August,2017: Concert6 in Ung Nordisk Musik 2017
My piece “Retro-future” for viola solo will be performed at Húrra in Reykjavik, Iceland. HERE!

19 August,2017: Concert6 in Ung Nordisk Musik 2017
My piece “Retro-future” for viola solo will be performed at Húrra in Reykjavik, Iceland. HERE!

17 February,2017: Final Concert 23rd Young Composers Meeting
My new piece “Singing in the rain” is performed by Orkest de Ereprijs in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. HERE!

17 February,2017: Final Concert 23rd Young Composers Meeting
My new piece “Singing in the rain” is performed by Orkest de Ereprijs in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. HERE!

17 November 2016: Koncert med Faces Ensemble
My old piece “High Gauge”will be performed by Faces Ensemble in Dome of Vision in Aarhus on 17th November. HERE!

17 November 2016: Koncert med Faces Ensemble
My old piece “High Gauge”will be performed by Faces Ensemble in Dome of Vision in Aarhus on 17th November. HERE!

August 18, 2016: Young Nordic Music Days CONCERT #3
My piece ‘Polka dots’ will be performed again by Taïga String Quartet in Young Nordic Music Days (Ung Nordisk Musik)

August 18, 2016: Young Nordic Music Days CONCERT #3
My piece ‘Polka dots’ will be performed again by Taïga String Quartet in Young Nordic Music Days (Ung Nordisk Musik)

March 13, 2016: Pulsar Festival Kammerkoncert med uropførelser
Værker af Anna Shevchenko, Fridtjof Dahlgaard, Marcus Lease, Aya Yoshida og Esben Nordborg Møller Date: March 13 2016 Time: 19:30 – 21:30 Location: Studiescenen, Rosenørns Allé Entrance fee: Free HERE!

March 13, 2016: Pulsar Festival Kammerkoncert med uropførelser
Værker af Anna Shevchenko, Fridtjof Dahlgaard, Marcus Lease, Aya Yoshida og Esben Nordborg Møller Date: March 13 2016 Time: 19:30 – 21:30 Location: Studiescenen, Rosenørns Allé Entrance fee: Free HERE!

March 10, 2016: Pulsar Festival with DR Orchestra
DR SymfoniOrkestret opfører værker af Christian Winther Christensen, Poul Ruders m.fl. Date: March 10, 2016 Time: . 19:30 – 21:30 Location: Konservatoriets Koncertsal, Julius Thomsens Gade 1 Entrance fee: Free HERE!

March 10, 2016: Pulsar Festival with DR Orchestra
DR SymfoniOrkestret opfører værker af Christian Winther Christensen, Poul Ruders m.fl. Date: March 10, 2016 Time: . 19:30 – 21:30 Location: Konservatoriets Koncertsal, Julius Thomsens Gade 1 Entrance fee: Free HERE!