3,5 September 2020; Beauty of Everyday Things

New piece, new concert is happening very soon.

My new piece “The Beauty of Everyday Things” will be performed very soon at 3daysofdesign 2020 on 3rd and 5th September. It is a collaboration project with Yōnobi
, studio 0405 and a photographer/videographer Maya Matsuura
and the music will be performed by a cellist Ida Nørby.

Our intention in creating this film + live music collaboration is to find the dot between Danish aesthetic and Japanese aesthetic by referring to the word “mingei”, the beauty of everyday things. Mingei is the Japanese folk art movement, developed in the late 1920s and 1930s in Japan. The founder, Yanagi Sōetsu discovered beauty in everyday
ordinary and utilitarian objects created by nameless and unknown craftsmen. Such as
clothing, furniture, ceramic, and so on. All of these are counted as “mingei” or folk crafts. “Yonobi” is named after one of the philosophies of the mingei movement, which refers to beauty in usage. When it comes to Danish and Japanese designs, they are often associated with simple and minimal and we think that simplicity is the possibility yet to be filled. It can be a stained coffee cup, a chipped plate, or a rusted pot. As we have to work from home for the past few months, we have been rediscovering and appreciating
those small things in life. We would like to collect those small fragments and capture the beauty of everyday things both for film and music. That some of the best things are usually right in front of you. We need to remind ourselves of that now.

[3/9 at Yonobi (Løvstræde1, 1152, Copenhagen)]
The performance starts at 13:15

The audience can be in/out even during the concert. So you can just pop by.

[5/9 at Yonobi at 16:15]
Invitation only. If you are interested in coming, please DM/PM me. I can have max. 10 people in my invitation list.

Looking forward to seeing a lot of you there!

来る9月3日-5日、コペンハーゲン市にて行われます国際的なデザインフェスティバル 3daysofdesignにて、陶芸スタジオYONOBIさん、studio0405さん、写真家/映像作家のMaya Matsuuraさんとコラボレーションパフォーマンスを発表させていただきます。作品は、チェロのソロとビデオの作品で、今回は日本人哲学者、柳宗悦氏の”The Beuaty of Everyday Things” をコンセプトに制作いたしました。演奏はデンマーク人チェリストIda Nørbyさんです。


9月3日 13:15〜 Yonobiにて(住所は上記をご覧ください)
9月5日 16:15〜 Yonobiにて
