
Concert Review; 8 Sep. 2023 Gaudeamus Festival
Concert review at Gaudeamus Festival.

Concert Review; 8 Sep. 2023 Gaudeamus Festival
Concert review at Gaudeamus Festival.

Finalists of Luciano Berio Composition Competition 2022
I had been shortlisted for the final stage of Luciano Berio Composition Competition 2022. I could not be the one but I was very honoured I was one of the finalists with wonderful composer colleagues.

Finalists of Luciano Berio Composition Competition 2022
I had been shortlisted for the final stage of Luciano Berio Composition Competition 2022. I could not be the one but I was very honoured I was one of the finalists with wonderful composer colleagues.

Nominee of Gaudeamus Award 2023
Very honoured to announce that I have been selected to one of the five nominees for the Gaudeamus Award 2023 with my work “Drape”.

Nominee of Gaudeamus Award 2023
Very honoured to announce that I have been selected to one of the five nominees for the Gaudeamus Award 2023 with my work “Drape”.

I am grateful to win the INMF’s inaugural New Voices Competition 2021. Impulse New Music Festivalで行われましたNew Voices という女性作曲家のコンクールにて優勝者の6名に選出されました。

I am grateful to win the INMF’s inaugural New Voices Competition 2021. Impulse New Music Festivalで行われましたNew Voices という女性作曲家のコンクールにて優勝者の6名に選出されました。

Arbejde legat (Working Grant) from Danish Arts Foundation
I thankfully got “Arbejdelegat(working grant)” from Statens Kunstfond this year. I really appreciate it and looking forward to the art/music scene is fully opening up again! 光栄なことに、今年デンマーク芸術財団様より年間の助成をいただく事となりました。こういう厳しい状況下でのサポートに心から感謝申し上げるとともに、今後とも真摯に制作活動に精進いたします。 HERE!

Arbejde legat (Working Grant) from Danish Arts Foundation
I thankfully got “Arbejdelegat(working grant)” from Statens Kunstfond this year. I really appreciate it and looking forward to the art/music scene is fully opening up again! 光栄なことに、今年デンマーク芸術財団様より年間の助成をいただく事となりました。こういう厳しい状況下でのサポートに心から感謝申し上げるとともに、今後とも真摯に制作活動に精進いたします。 HERE!
Artist in Residency; Styria artist-in-residence scholarship holders 2021 in Graz, Austria
I’m very honored to be selected for Artist in residence organized by The Provincial Government of Styria in Austria whole for Feb. and March in 2021. I am very much excited to come back to such a beautiful country and work with Schallfeld Ensemble. HERE! 光栄なことに、オーストリア、シュタイアーマルク州政府芸術給費レジデンシーに選出いただき、2021年の2月から2ヶ月間、オーストリアのグラーツ市にて制作活動をさせていただきます。一昨年のオーストリア政府文化庁芸術給費レジデンシーでは、ウィーンに3ヶ月滞在させていただき、その後様々なご縁と機会をいただきとても刺激的で充実した時間を過ごさせていただきました。美しい国にてまた制作活動をさせていただけること、心から感謝しております。世界中が困難な状況に直面している時期ではありますが、制作の手を止めず、精進したいと思います。
Artist in Residency; Styria artist-in-residence scholarship holders 2021 in Graz, Austria
I’m very honored to be selected for Artist in residence organized by The Provincial Government of Styria in Austria whole for Feb. and March in 2021. I am very much excited to come back to such a beautiful country and work with Schallfeld Ensemble. HERE! 光栄なことに、オーストリア、シュタイアーマルク州政府芸術給費レジデンシーに選出いただき、2021年の2月から2ヶ月間、オーストリアのグラーツ市にて制作活動をさせていただきます。一昨年のオーストリア政府文化庁芸術給費レジデンシーでは、ウィーンに3ヶ月滞在させていただき、その後様々なご縁と機会をいただきとても刺激的で充実した時間を過ごさせていただきました。美しい国にてまた制作活動をさせていただけること、心から感謝しております。世界中が困難な状況に直面している時期ではありますが、制作の手を止めず、精進したいと思います。

Award: Zemlinsky 2019 Composition Competition
I am really happy and humble to announce that I just got the first prize of Zemlinsky composition competition with my orchestra piece “Double-face” which I wrote in 2016.

Award: Zemlinsky 2019 Composition Competition
I am really happy and humble to announce that I just got the first prize of Zemlinsky composition competition with my orchestra piece “Double-face” which I wrote in 2016.

Review: Olyrix
Thank you for the review for my piece “The Shadow in the Rain” premiered by Les Metaboles and Florentin Ginot.

Review: Olyrix
Thank you for the review for my piece “The Shadow in the Rain” premiered by Les Metaboles and Florentin Ginot.

Review: Res Musica
Thank you for the review for my piece “The Shadow in the Rain” premiered by Les Metaboles and Florentin Ginot.

Review: Res Musica
Thank you for the review for my piece “The Shadow in the Rain” premiered by Les Metaboles and Florentin Ginot.

Review: Discover Japan
I am in the magazine “Discover Japan” with the article of the opera performance. Thank you.

Review: Discover Japan
I am in the magazine “Discover Japan” with the article of the opera performance. Thank you.

Award: Danish Arts Foundation
I am so honoured to announce that my opera “Skyggen by Aya Yoshida” was awarded by Danish Arts Foundation for The best 10 music publishing/releasing of this year. Thank you very much.

Award: Danish Arts Foundation
I am so honoured to announce that my opera “Skyggen by Aya Yoshida” was awarded by Danish Arts Foundation for The best 10 music publishing/releasing of this year. Thank you very much.

I got a short review for my piece.

I got a short review for my piece.

Review: Information
Just got a review for my orchestra piece “Double-face” from Information. HERE!

Review: Information
Just got a review for my orchestra piece “Double-face” from Information. HERE!

Review: Amfion
I got a review for my orchestra piece ‘Double-face’ from Amfion. Thank you very much. HERE!

Review: Amfion
I got a review for my orchestra piece ‘Double-face’ from Amfion. Thank you very much. HERE!

Review: Politiken
Just got the great review for my new orchestra piece ‘Double-face’ from the Danish news paper Politiken. HERE!

Review: Politiken
Just got the great review for my new orchestra piece ‘Double-face’ from the Danish news paper Politiken. HERE!