Author Archives: Aya Yoshida

6 September, 2019: Gaudeamus Muziekfestival
My new piece “MUJI” for Double Bass will be performed by James Oesi in Gaudeamus Music Festival in Utrecht, The Netherlands on 6th September 2019.

6 September, 2019: Gaudeamus Muziekfestival
My new piece “MUJI” for Double Bass will be performed by James Oesi in Gaudeamus Music Festival in Utrecht, The Netherlands on 6th September 2019.

24 August, 2019: Floating – Architecture x Contemporary music-
Floating -Architecture x Contemporary music- Koncert i Tea House Ø

24 August, 2019: Floating – Architecture x Contemporary music-
Floating -Architecture x Contemporary music- Koncert i Tea House Ø

Tivoli Youth Guard “TIVOLI-GARDENS 175-ÅRS VALS… tilegnet de unge Gardere…(175-ANNIVERSARY WALTZ OF THE TIVOLI YOUTH GUARD… dedicated to the young guard members…)”
I finally listened to the performance of my piece “TIVOLI-GARDENS 175-ÅRS VALS… tilegnet de unge Gardere…(175-ANNIVERSARY WALTZ OF THE TIVOLI YOUTH GUARD… dedicated to the young guard members…)” by Tivoli Youth Guard today at Tivoli garden in Copenhagen.

Tivoli Youth Guard “TIVOLI-GARDENS 175-ÅRS VALS… tilegnet de unge Gardere…(175-ANNIVERSARY WALTZ OF THE TIVOLI YOUTH GUARD… dedicated to the young guard members…)”
I finally listened to the performance of my piece “TIVOLI-GARDENS 175-ÅRS VALS… tilegnet de unge Gardere…(175-ANNIVERSARY WALTZ OF THE TIVOLI YOUTH GUARD… dedicated to the young guard members…)” by Tivoli Youth Guard today at Tivoli garden in Copenhagen.

15 August, 2019: Grachten Festival
My piece “MUJI ” for Double bass will be premiered by James Oesi in GRACHTENFESTIVAL in Amsterdam on 15th August. Please come join us if you are in the city.

15 August, 2019: Grachten Festival
My piece “MUJI ” for Double bass will be premiered by James Oesi in GRACHTENFESTIVAL in Amsterdam on 15th August. Please come join us if you are in the city.

7 June, 2019: KONCERT – The secret in the sound
My piece “Ma” for soprano and recorder will be performed again in Copenhagen on 17th June. Please come join us if you are in the city!

7 June, 2019: KONCERT – The secret in the sound
My piece “Ma” for soprano and recorder will be performed again in Copenhagen on 17th June. Please come join us if you are in the city!

175-ANNIVERSARY WALTZ OF THE TIVOLI YOUTH GUARD… dedicated to the young guard members
My brand-new pice “TIVOLI-GARDENS 175-ÅRS VALS… tilegnet de unge Gardere…(175-ANNIVERSARY WALTZ OF THE TIVOLI YOUTH GUARD… dedicated to the young guard members…)” will be performed by Tivoli Youth Guard -the 175 years old a cultural and national Danish icon from this spring in Tivoli Garden in Denmark.

175-ANNIVERSARY WALTZ OF THE TIVOLI YOUTH GUARD… dedicated to the young guard members
My brand-new pice “TIVOLI-GARDENS 175-ÅRS VALS… tilegnet de unge Gardere…(175-ANNIVERSARY WALTZ OF THE TIVOLI YOUTH GUARD… dedicated to the young guard members…)” will be performed by Tivoli Youth Guard -the 175 years old a cultural and national Danish icon from this spring in Tivoli Garden in Denmark.

6 March, 2019:Panorama festival Ensemble airborne extended
My new piece Filigree for flute, recorder and cembalo will be performed by Ensemble Airborne Extended on 6th March 2019 in Aarhus, Denmark.

6 March, 2019:Panorama festival Ensemble airborne extended
My new piece Filigree for flute, recorder and cembalo will be performed by Ensemble Airborne Extended on 6th March 2019 in Aarhus, Denmark.

24 February, 2019: Debutkoncert. Kirsten Aage
My new piece “Ma” will be performed by the fantastic recorder player Kirsten Aage and the singer Helle Thun on 24th of February at the beautiful museum Glyptoteket in Copenhagen, Denmark.

24 February, 2019: Debutkoncert. Kirsten Aage
My new piece “Ma” will be performed by the fantastic recorder player Kirsten Aage and the singer Helle Thun on 24th of February at the beautiful museum Glyptoteket in Copenhagen, Denmark.

23 October,2018: Komponistoj
The new version of my piece “Pointed toe” will be performed by the member of Ensemble reconsil in Reaktor on 23rd of October 2018. HERE!

23 October,2018: Komponistoj
The new version of my piece “Pointed toe” will be performed by the member of Ensemble reconsil in Reaktor on 23rd of October 2018. HERE!

8 September,2018: Allegro Vivo Chamber Music Festival
My first improvisation piece called “Cello-Go-Round” will be performed in the concert “Klangreise” in Allegro Vivo Chamber Music Festival,the music festival in Austria on 8th September.

8 September,2018: Allegro Vivo Chamber Music Festival
My first improvisation piece called “Cello-Go-Round” will be performed in the concert “Klangreise” in Allegro Vivo Chamber Music Festival,the music festival in Austria on 8th September.

I got interviewed by Music Austria about Artist in Residency which I participated in from April to June 2018.

20 June,2018:Master’s guitar-gig: Mathias Klarlund
I’m so happy to share this event with all of you! My brand new piece “Rock ‘n’ Roll” will be performed by this coolest guitarist in his final concert in Royal Danish Academy of Music on 20th of June.

20 June,2018:Master’s guitar-gig: Mathias Klarlund
I’m so happy to share this event with all of you! My brand new piece “Rock ‘n’ Roll” will be performed by this coolest guitarist in his final concert in Royal Danish Academy of Music on 20th of June.
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This is just an example post. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero. Sed dignissim lacinia nunc. Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Aenean quam. In scelerisque sem at dolor. Maecenas mattis. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. Morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. Fusce ac

Artist in Residency
I’m selected to the artist in residency organized by Austrian Federal Chancellery and KKA and I’m staying/working in Vienna in this spring from 4/4 – 29/6. オーストリア政府文化庁給費芸術レジデンスの今年の作曲家として選出されました。4月より三ヶ月間オーストリア、ウィーンにて制作、活動を行います。 HERE!

Artist in Residency
I’m selected to the artist in residency organized by Austrian Federal Chancellery and KKA and I’m staying/working in Vienna in this spring from 4/4 – 29/6. オーストリア政府文化庁給費芸術レジデンスの今年の作曲家として選出されました。4月より三ヶ月間オーストリア、ウィーンにて制作、活動を行います。 HERE!

Skyggen by Aya Yoshida -Video

Review: Discover Japan
I am in the magazine “Discover Japan” with the article of the opera performance. Thank you.

Review: Discover Japan
I am in the magazine “Discover Japan” with the article of the opera performance. Thank you.

Award: Danish Arts Foundation
I am so honoured to announce that my opera “Skyggen by Aya Yoshida” was awarded by Danish Arts Foundation for The best 10 music publishing/releasing of this year. Thank you very much.

Award: Danish Arts Foundation
I am so honoured to announce that my opera “Skyggen by Aya Yoshida” was awarded by Danish Arts Foundation for The best 10 music publishing/releasing of this year. Thank you very much.

I got interviewed by Kobe news paper for my opera what was performed in 16th and 17th November 2017.

16, 17 November 2017, Skyggen by Aya Yoshida
I am so happy to announce that I am having my very first opera on 16th and 17th of November 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark. About the details HERE

16, 17 November 2017, Skyggen by Aya Yoshida
I am so happy to announce that I am having my very first opera on 16th and 17th of November 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark. About the details HERE

19 August,2017: Concert6 in Ung Nordisk Musik 2017
My piece “Retro-future” for viola solo will be performed at Húrra in Reykjavik, Iceland. HERE!

19 August,2017: Concert6 in Ung Nordisk Musik 2017
My piece “Retro-future” for viola solo will be performed at Húrra in Reykjavik, Iceland. HERE!

17 February,2017: Final Concert 23rd Young Composers Meeting
My new piece “Singing in the rain” is performed by Orkest de Ereprijs in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. HERE!

17 February,2017: Final Concert 23rd Young Composers Meeting
My new piece “Singing in the rain” is performed by Orkest de Ereprijs in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. HERE!

17 November 2016: Koncert med Faces Ensemble
My old piece “High Gauge”will be performed by Faces Ensemble in Dome of Vision in Aarhus on 17th November. HERE!

17 November 2016: Koncert med Faces Ensemble
My old piece “High Gauge”will be performed by Faces Ensemble in Dome of Vision in Aarhus on 17th November. HERE!

The concert that I had my piece has in was broadcasted on Kanal Østjylland, Danish TV.

I was interviewed by the web magazine called ‘Nordic Curator’ and it’s now on sale in Amazon. You can read it in Kindle and please check it out if you are interested in. (it’s all in Japanese.)

I got a short review for my piece.

I got a short review for my piece.