15 October 2022; FULL FORCE
My orchestra piece “Double-face” will get another performance by conductor Mark Gibson and CCM Phil harmonia.
15 October 2022; FULL FORCE
My orchestra piece “Double-face” will get another performance by conductor Mark Gibson and CCM Phil harmonia.
Interview;現代音楽はファッションを必要とするのか? リック・オウエンスとバイオリンが出合う時
先日の東京・春・音楽祭 / Spring Festival in TokyoでのTatsuki Naritaさんとのコンサートの様子が雑誌Penにて記事にしていただきました。
Interview;現代音楽はファッションを必要とするのか? リック・オウエンスとバイオリンが出合う時
先日の東京・春・音楽祭 / Spring Festival in TokyoでのTatsuki Naritaさんとのコンサートの様子が雑誌Penにて記事にしていただきました。
13 June 2022; HoMe / Duo Dan/Nie
My brand new piece “Decode” for violin and piano will be Duo Dan/Nie at klang festival in Copenhagen, Denmark on 13th June 2022.
13 June 2022; HoMe / Duo Dan/Nie
My brand new piece “Decode” for violin and piano will be Duo Dan/Nie at klang festival in Copenhagen, Denmark on 13th June 2022.
13 April 2022; Nordic Saxophone Festival
My brand new piece Suite “Tit er jeg glad” will be performed by Nordic Saxophone Collective at Nordic Saxophone Festival in Aarhus, Denmark on 13th April 2022.
13 April 2022; Nordic Saxophone Festival
My brand new piece Suite “Tit er jeg glad” will be performed by Nordic Saxophone Collective at Nordic Saxophone Festival in Aarhus, Denmark on 13th April 2022.
28 May – 10 June 2022; Coloratura Journey
28 May – 10 June 2022; Coloratura Journey
昨年12月初旬、初のバレエ作品 ”Let Me Take You There” の初演がアメリカ、シンシナティで行われ、その作品の映像が公開になり、この作品の制作過程をクラシック音楽雑誌ぶらあぼさんにて記事にしていただいております。
昨年12月初旬、初のバレエ作品 ”Let Me Take You There” の初演がアメリカ、シンシナティで行われ、その作品の映像が公開になり、この作品の制作過程をクラシック音楽雑誌ぶらあぼさんにて記事にしていただいております。
Let Me Take You There
New work “Falling Upwards” set to the world premiere of my first ballet piece “Let Me Take You There” was premiered in Cincinnati, USA in December 2021.
Let Me Take You There
New work “Falling Upwards” set to the world premiere of my first ballet piece “Let Me Take You There” was premiered in Cincinnati, USA in December 2021.
24 Mar.2022; Spring Festival in Tokyo
My brand new piece “Drape” for violin solo will get the premiere by Tatsuki Narita at The Ueno Royal Museum in 東京・春・音楽祭 / Spring Festival in Tokyo on 24th March.
24 Mar.2022; Spring Festival in Tokyo
My brand new piece “Drape” for violin solo will get the premiere by Tatsuki Narita at The Ueno Royal Museum in 東京・春・音楽祭 / Spring Festival in Tokyo on 24th March.
12 Nov. 2021; WEW! Contemporary Music Festival
My piece “Rock ‘n’ Roll” will be performed again by Finnish guitarist Kalle Rinne at What ever Works -nykymusiikkifestivaali in Turku, Finland on 12th November.
12 Nov. 2021; WEW! Contemporary Music Festival
My piece “Rock ‘n’ Roll” will be performed again by Finnish guitarist Kalle Rinne at What ever Works -nykymusiikkifestivaali in Turku, Finland on 12th November.
28 Nov. to 5 Dec. 2021; Composer in Residence at CCM
I will be a Composer in Residence at College-Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati as the winner of Alexander Zemlinsky Prize for Composition(2019) from 28th November to 5th December.
28 Nov. to 5 Dec. 2021; Composer in Residence at CCM
I will be a Composer in Residence at College-Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati as the winner of Alexander Zemlinsky Prize for Composition(2019) from 28th November to 5th December.
Collaboration Project; Utte “Hasami Terazzo”
I composed music for the valuable project called Hasami Terrazzo. They are developing terrazzo made out of waste from pottery. 素敵なプロジェクトの音楽を制作させて頂きました。
Collaboration Project; Utte “Hasami Terazzo”
I composed music for the valuable project called Hasami Terrazzo. They are developing terrazzo made out of waste from pottery. 素敵なプロジェクトの音楽を制作させて頂きました。
田中彩子 ソプラノ・リサイタル 2021 〜COLORS OF COLORATURA〜
My brand-new piece “Ein Kleines Lied” which is written for Japanese coloratura soprano Ayako Tanaka will get its premiere in Japan for her recital tour starting from 3rd Oct. 大変光栄なことに、コロラトゥーラソプラノ歌手の田中彩子さんに新曲を委嘱させていただき、この度田中さんの日本ツアーにて初演していただけることとなりました。
田中彩子 ソプラノ・リサイタル 2021 〜COLORS OF COLORATURA〜
My brand-new piece “Ein Kleines Lied” which is written for Japanese coloratura soprano Ayako Tanaka will get its premiere in Japan for her recital tour starting from 3rd Oct. 大変光栄なことに、コロラトゥーラソプラノ歌手の田中彩子さんに新曲を委嘱させていただき、この度田中さんの日本ツアーにて初演していただけることとなりました。
Youtube “Hokuoh Kurashino Douguten”北欧暮らしの道具店
Composed music called “People living in Hokuou” for YouTube original movie by Hokuoh Kurashino Douguten. 光栄なことに、「北欧、暮らしの道具店」さんのオリジナル動画シリーズ「北欧に暮らすひと」の音楽を作曲させていただきました。
Youtube “Hokuoh Kurashino Douguten”北欧暮らしの道具店
Composed music called “People living in Hokuou” for YouTube original movie by Hokuoh Kurashino Douguten. 光栄なことに、「北欧、暮らしの道具店」さんのオリジナル動画シリーズ「北欧に暮らすひと」の音楽を作曲させていただきました。
Web magazine “Charedo” (Japanese)
New article in Charedo about being the first female Composer in Residence at The Tivoli Youth Guard. (Japanese) チボリガードの初の女性委嘱作曲家として活動させていただいていることについてウェブマガジンCharedoにて記事にしていただいております。
Web magazine “Charedo” (Japanese)
New article in Charedo about being the first female Composer in Residence at The Tivoli Youth Guard. (Japanese) チボリガードの初の女性委嘱作曲家として活動させていただいていることについてウェブマガジンCharedoにて記事にしていただいております。
My cello solo piece “The Beauty of Everyday Things” is going to be performed the first time in USA by Robert deMaine, Los Angeles Philharmonic Principal Cellist at 19-20(PDT) on 1st August 2021. It’s archived. HERE!
My cello solo piece “The Beauty of Everyday Things” is going to be performed the first time in USA by Robert deMaine, Los Angeles Philharmonic Principal Cellist at 19-20(PDT) on 1st August 2021. It’s archived. HERE!
I am grateful to win the INMF’s inaugural New Voices Competition 2021. Impulse New Music Festivalで行われましたNew Voices という女性作曲家のコンクールにて優勝者の6名に選出されました。
I am grateful to win the INMF’s inaugural New Voices Competition 2021. Impulse New Music Festivalで行われましたNew Voices という女性作曲家のコンクールにて優勝者の6名に選出されました。
Interview by eläväni
I got interviewed by eläväni produced by greeniche. (Japanese) 代官山にある北欧家具、インテリアを扱うグリニッチさんの運営するeläväniにてインタビューしていただきました。 HERE!
Interview by eläväni
I got interviewed by eläväni produced by greeniche. (Japanese) 代官山にある北欧家具、インテリアを扱うグリニッチさんの運営するeläväniにてインタビューしていただきました。 HERE!
Composed music for Hotel CLASKA . Enjoy the film of this beautiful hotel, loved by people from all over the world.Hotel CLASKAさんのオリジナルムービーの音楽を制作させていただきました。
Arbejde legat (Working Grant) from Danish Arts Foundation
I thankfully got “Arbejdelegat(working grant)” from Statens Kunstfond this year. I really appreciate it and looking forward to the art/music scene is fully opening up again! 光栄なことに、今年デンマーク芸術財団様より年間の助成をいただく事となりました。こういう厳しい状況下でのサポートに心から感謝申し上げるとともに、今後とも真摯に制作活動に精進いたします。 HERE!
Arbejde legat (Working Grant) from Danish Arts Foundation
I thankfully got “Arbejdelegat(working grant)” from Statens Kunstfond this year. I really appreciate it and looking forward to the art/music scene is fully opening up again! 光栄なことに、今年デンマーク芸術財団様より年間の助成をいただく事となりました。こういう厳しい状況下でのサポートに心から感謝申し上げるとともに、今後とも真摯に制作活動に精進いたします。 HERE!
9, June 2021; Beastie Poetry
So much excited to announce that my new piece “Réquiem para un niño” for Josefine Göhmann is going to be premiered on 9th June in Vienna, Austria. It’s been long long time since the last time I had my music in a concert hall physically. Just crossed fingers this is really happening! This piece is lullaby for all the children even they are not here anymore. It’s a very sad poem I took from Spanish author GUSTAVO ADOLFO BÉCQUER. Day/Time:19:30 on 9th June 2021 Location:Reaktor (Geblergasse 40, Wien) HERE! ソプラノのための新作”Réquiem para un niño”が6月9日にウィーンにて初演されることになりました。 こうしてコンサートというコンサートができるのは、本当に久しぶりで本当に嬉しく、またどうかこのまま行われますようにと祈るような気持ちでいます。 この作品は、子守唄。 スペイン人の詩人GUSTAVO ADOLFO BÉCQUERさんの詩が歌詞となっています。大変悲しい子守唄ですが、昨年、尊く美しい母の愛とは何かを考えながら昨年ノルウェーで、制作しました。
9, June 2021; Beastie Poetry
So much excited to announce that my new piece “Réquiem para un niño” for Josefine Göhmann is going to be premiered on 9th June in Vienna, Austria. It’s been long long time since the last time I had my music in a concert hall physically. Just crossed fingers this is really happening! This piece is lullaby for all the children even they are not here anymore. It’s a very sad poem I took from Spanish author GUSTAVO ADOLFO BÉCQUER. Day/Time:19:30 on 9th June 2021 Location:Reaktor (Geblergasse 40, Wien) HERE! ソプラノのための新作”Réquiem para un niño”が6月9日にウィーンにて初演されることになりました。 こうしてコンサートというコンサートができるのは、本当に久しぶりで本当に嬉しく、またどうかこのまま行われますようにと祈るような気持ちでいます。 この作品は、子守唄。 スペイン人の詩人GUSTAVO ADOLFO BÉCQUERさんの詩が歌詞となっています。大変悲しい子守唄ですが、昨年、尊く美しい母の愛とは何かを考えながら昨年ノルウェーで、制作しました。
The Beauty of Everyday Things
“Beauty of Everyday Things” Exhibition at 3daysofdesign 2020 Yōnobi presents together with studio0405 an exhibition that celebrates the Beauty of Everyday Life. Film: Maya Matsuura Music: Aya Yoshida Composer Performance: Ida Nørby I had my new piece for cello solo last year at the exhibition presented by YŌNOBI and studio0405 in 3DaysofDesign 2020. The place, the people, the water, the fish, the dog, baby’s crying, the film, the noise on the street, cello’s voice, breathing sound, the beautiful potteries around. I felt all the things were beautiful and melted well together. Thank you for sharing/being part of such a beautiful moment. My personal own aim is in this project to
The Beauty of Everyday Things
“Beauty of Everyday Things” Exhibition at 3daysofdesign 2020 Yōnobi presents together with studio0405 an exhibition that celebrates the Beauty of Everyday Life. Film: Maya Matsuura Music: Aya Yoshida Composer Performance: Ida Nørby I had my new piece for cello solo last year at the exhibition presented by YŌNOBI and studio0405 in 3DaysofDesign 2020. The place, the people, the water, the fish, the dog, baby’s crying, the film, the noise on the street, cello’s voice, breathing sound, the beautiful potteries around. I felt all the things were beautiful and melted well together. Thank you for sharing/being part of such a beautiful moment. My personal own aim is in this project to
MUJI for piano
This is one of the pieces from my “MUJI” series (étude series for various instruments) and this is for piano. I wrote this in 2018 but had not gotten any opportunity to get the premiere however finally it got premiere in Venice, Italy this year. It was premiered by Mizuho Furukubo, my ex classmate of the conservatory in Tokyo. The piece is crazy difficult to perform and very intense from the beginning to the end. I didn’t use any techniques for the inside of piano and also I focused on the physical movements which pianist has as an “exercise”. Hope you enjoy it, it starts at 26:55. HERE! MUJI -ピアノのための-
MUJI for piano
This is one of the pieces from my “MUJI” series (étude series for various instruments) and this is for piano. I wrote this in 2018 but had not gotten any opportunity to get the premiere however finally it got premiere in Venice, Italy this year. It was premiered by Mizuho Furukubo, my ex classmate of the conservatory in Tokyo. The piece is crazy difficult to perform and very intense from the beginning to the end. I didn’t use any techniques for the inside of piano and also I focused on the physical movements which pianist has as an “exercise”. Hope you enjoy it, it starts at 26:55. HERE! MUJI -ピアノのための-
Artist in Residency; Styria artist-in-residence scholarship holders 2021 in Graz, Austria
I’m very honored to be selected for Artist in residence organized by The Provincial Government of Styria in Austria whole for Feb. and March in 2021. I am very much excited to come back to such a beautiful country and work with Schallfeld Ensemble. HERE! 光栄なことに、オーストリア、シュタイアーマルク州政府芸術給費レジデンシーに選出いただき、2021年の2月から2ヶ月間、オーストリアのグラーツ市にて制作活動をさせていただきます。一昨年のオーストリア政府文化庁芸術給費レジデンシーでは、ウィーンに3ヶ月滞在させていただき、その後様々なご縁と機会をいただきとても刺激的で充実した時間を過ごさせていただきました。美しい国にてまた制作活動をさせていただけること、心から感謝しております。世界中が困難な状況に直面している時期ではありますが、制作の手を止めず、精進したいと思います。
Artist in Residency; Styria artist-in-residence scholarship holders 2021 in Graz, Austria
I’m very honored to be selected for Artist in residence organized by The Provincial Government of Styria in Austria whole for Feb. and March in 2021. I am very much excited to come back to such a beautiful country and work with Schallfeld Ensemble. HERE! 光栄なことに、オーストリア、シュタイアーマルク州政府芸術給費レジデンシーに選出いただき、2021年の2月から2ヶ月間、オーストリアのグラーツ市にて制作活動をさせていただきます。一昨年のオーストリア政府文化庁芸術給費レジデンシーでは、ウィーンに3ヶ月滞在させていただき、その後様々なご縁と機会をいただきとても刺激的で充実した時間を過ごさせていただきました。美しい国にてまた制作活動をさせていただけること、心から感謝しております。世界中が困難な状況に直面している時期ではありますが、制作の手を止めず、精進したいと思います。
19 Nov 2020; KONCERT/Recital – “The Secret in the Sound” – Thun/Aage
My piece “MA” for soprano and recorder will be performed again on 19th November in Copenhagen. If you are in the city, please come join them. HERE!
19 Nov 2020; KONCERT/Recital – “The Secret in the Sound” – Thun/Aage
My piece “MA” for soprano and recorder will be performed again on 19th November in Copenhagen. If you are in the city, please come join them. HERE!
My new piece for soprano and piano “I tell you yet again…”will get the world premiere by Duo Kolarova Nørgård on 18th November in Roskilde, Denmark. Unfortunately I can’t join you for the concert but if you are in the city around, please come join them to listen to their repertory “SHAKESPEARES DAMER(SHAKESPEARES LADIES)”. This piece “I tell you yet again…” is composed with the inspiration from Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” and I composed this while I was trapped in Bergen, Norway in this spring. I read Macbeth for the first time and got drawn into the scene the Lady Macbeth gets sleepwalking and says “Wash your hands” for many times. That
My new piece for soprano and piano “I tell you yet again…”will get the world premiere by Duo Kolarova Nørgård on 18th November in Roskilde, Denmark. Unfortunately I can’t join you for the concert but if you are in the city around, please come join them to listen to their repertory “SHAKESPEARES DAMER(SHAKESPEARES LADIES)”. This piece “I tell you yet again…” is composed with the inspiration from Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” and I composed this while I was trapped in Bergen, Norway in this spring. I read Macbeth for the first time and got drawn into the scene the Lady Macbeth gets sleepwalking and says “Wash your hands” for many times. That
24 Oct 2020; Japanese Water Music
Under the Umbrella It has been already three years since I started writing this piece. It was right after my opera “Skyggen(The Shadow)” and I was very much interested in raining, water and shadow at that time. Yes, I am now too. Under the umbrella, it’s kinda personal space. You cold cover your face and body and also protect yourself from something outside, the rain. Sometimes you can share that space with another one, but often with someone special. The rain itself doesn’t have sound. When it teaches something it sounds. You can’t have a relationship by your own, you need someone to have it. If you are in Aarhus,
24 Oct 2020; Japanese Water Music
Under the Umbrella It has been already three years since I started writing this piece. It was right after my opera “Skyggen(The Shadow)” and I was very much interested in raining, water and shadow at that time. Yes, I am now too. Under the umbrella, it’s kinda personal space. You cold cover your face and body and also protect yourself from something outside, the rain. Sometimes you can share that space with another one, but often with someone special. The rain itself doesn’t have sound. When it teaches something it sounds. You can’t have a relationship by your own, you need someone to have it. If you are in Aarhus,
3,5 September 2020; Beauty of Everyday Things
New piece, new concert is happening very soon. My new piece “The Beauty of Everyday Things” will be performed very soon at 3daysofdesign 2020 on 3rd and 5th September. It is a collaboration project with Yōnobi , studio 0405 and a photographer/videographer Maya Matsuura and the music will be performed by a cellist Ida Nørby. Our intention in creating this film + live music collaboration is to find the dot between Danish aesthetic and Japanese aesthetic by referring to the word “mingei”, the beauty of everyday things. Mingei is the Japanese folk art movement, developed in the late 1920s and 1930s in Japan. The founder, Yanagi Sōetsu discovered beauty in
3,5 September 2020; Beauty of Everyday Things
New piece, new concert is happening very soon. My new piece “The Beauty of Everyday Things” will be performed very soon at 3daysofdesign 2020 on 3rd and 5th September. It is a collaboration project with Yōnobi , studio 0405 and a photographer/videographer Maya Matsuura and the music will be performed by a cellist Ida Nørby. Our intention in creating this film + live music collaboration is to find the dot between Danish aesthetic and Japanese aesthetic by referring to the word “mingei”, the beauty of everyday things. Mingei is the Japanese folk art movement, developed in the late 1920s and 1930s in Japan. The founder, Yanagi Sōetsu discovered beauty in
I am honored to be interviewed by OIL MAGAZINE, Japanese web magazine for my longest interview ever. HERE! この度オイルマガジンさんにインタビュー記事をご掲載頂きました。”若者のすべて”という20代でものづくりをしている人々へのインタビューシリーズで、私自身これまでのインタビューの中で最長のものとなっております。同世代の方々が、どう今と向き合っているのか、大変興味深いインタビューシリーズにご縁いただきとても光栄です。この記事を10年後、20年後改めて読むのが楽しみです。よければご覧下さい。 photo:Maya Matsuura
I am honored to be interviewed by OIL MAGAZINE, Japanese web magazine for my longest interview ever. HERE! この度オイルマガジンさんにインタビュー記事をご掲載頂きました。”若者のすべて”という20代でものづくりをしている人々へのインタビューシリーズで、私自身これまでのインタビューの中で最長のものとなっております。同世代の方々が、どう今と向き合っているのか、大変興味深いインタビューシリーズにご縁いただきとても光栄です。この記事を10年後、20年後改めて読むのが楽しみです。よければご覧下さい。 photo:Maya Matsuura
30 Aug 2020; Another Composer Coffee #6: Aya Yoshida
Hello folks! I’m very excited to announce that I’m featured at the lovely event Another Composers Coffee organized by Damkapellet on 30th August. The event starts at 19:30 at Koncertkirken and I will talk about my career as a composer, my work and upcoming projects. You all are more than welcome regardless of gender and occupations! HERE! 来る8月30日、素敵なイベントに登壇いたします。 女性作曲家や、女性音楽家に焦点をあてコペンハーゲンを拠点に活動するオーガニゼーションDamkappelletさんのイベントシリーズ”Another Composers Coffee”に今回ご招待いただき、これまでの活動、作品またこれからの活動についてお話しさせていただく予定です。名前の通り、コーヒーを飲みながら気軽にというコンセプトのイベントですので、職業問わず、性別問わずたくさんの方に気軽に楽しんでいただけるトークイベントになればと思っています。会場はノアブロのKoncertkirkeにて、19:30からスタートです。たくさんの方にお目にかかれますこと楽しみにしております。
30 Aug 2020; Another Composer Coffee #6: Aya Yoshida
Hello folks! I’m very excited to announce that I’m featured at the lovely event Another Composers Coffee organized by Damkapellet on 30th August. The event starts at 19:30 at Koncertkirken and I will talk about my career as a composer, my work and upcoming projects. You all are more than welcome regardless of gender and occupations! HERE! 来る8月30日、素敵なイベントに登壇いたします。 女性作曲家や、女性音楽家に焦点をあてコペンハーゲンを拠点に活動するオーガニゼーションDamkappelletさんのイベントシリーズ”Another Composers Coffee”に今回ご招待いただき、これまでの活動、作品またこれからの活動についてお話しさせていただく予定です。名前の通り、コーヒーを飲みながら気軽にというコンセプトのイベントですので、職業問わず、性別問わずたくさんの方に気軽に楽しんでいただけるトークイベントになればと思っています。会場はノアブロのKoncertkirkeにて、19:30からスタートです。たくさんの方にお目にかかれますこと楽しみにしております。