Author Archives: Aya Yoshida

Nominee of Gaudeamus Award 2023
Very honoured to announce that I have been selected to one of the five nominees for the Gaudeamus Award 2023 with my work “Drape”.

Nominee of Gaudeamus Award 2023
Very honoured to announce that I have been selected to one of the five nominees for the Gaudeamus Award 2023 with my work “Drape”.

15 October 2022; FULL FORCE
My orchestra piece “Double-face” will get another performance by conductor Mark Gibson and CCM Phil harmonia.

15 October 2022; FULL FORCE
My orchestra piece “Double-face” will get another performance by conductor Mark Gibson and CCM Phil harmonia.

Interview;現代音楽はファッションを必要とするのか? リック・オウエンスとバイオリンが出合う時
先日の東京・春・音楽祭 / Spring Festival in TokyoでのTatsuki Naritaさんとのコンサートの様子が雑誌Penにて記事にしていただきました。

Interview;現代音楽はファッションを必要とするのか? リック・オウエンスとバイオリンが出合う時
先日の東京・春・音楽祭 / Spring Festival in TokyoでのTatsuki Naritaさんとのコンサートの様子が雑誌Penにて記事にしていただきました。

13 June 2022; HoMe / Duo Dan/Nie
My brand new piece “Decode” for violin and piano will be Duo Dan/Nie at klang festival in Copenhagen, Denmark on 13th June 2022.

13 June 2022; HoMe / Duo Dan/Nie
My brand new piece “Decode” for violin and piano will be Duo Dan/Nie at klang festival in Copenhagen, Denmark on 13th June 2022.

13 April 2022; Nordic Saxophone Festival
My brand new piece Suite “Tit er jeg glad” will be performed by Nordic Saxophone Collective at Nordic Saxophone Festival in Aarhus, Denmark on 13th April 2022.

13 April 2022; Nordic Saxophone Festival
My brand new piece Suite “Tit er jeg glad” will be performed by Nordic Saxophone Collective at Nordic Saxophone Festival in Aarhus, Denmark on 13th April 2022.

28 May – 10 June 2022; Coloratura Journey

28 May – 10 June 2022; Coloratura Journey

昨年12月初旬、初のバレエ作品 ”Let Me Take You There” の初演がアメリカ、シンシナティで行われ、その作品の映像が公開になり、この作品の制作過程をクラシック音楽雑誌ぶらあぼさんにて記事にしていただいております。

昨年12月初旬、初のバレエ作品 ”Let Me Take You There” の初演がアメリカ、シンシナティで行われ、その作品の映像が公開になり、この作品の制作過程をクラシック音楽雑誌ぶらあぼさんにて記事にしていただいております。

Let Me Take You There
New work “Falling Upwards” set to the world premiere of my first ballet piece “Let Me Take You There” was premiered in Cincinnati, USA in December 2021.

Let Me Take You There
New work “Falling Upwards” set to the world premiere of my first ballet piece “Let Me Take You There” was premiered in Cincinnati, USA in December 2021.

24 Mar.2022; Spring Festival in Tokyo
My brand new piece “Drape” for violin solo will get the premiere by Tatsuki Narita at The Ueno Royal Museum in 東京・春・音楽祭 / Spring Festival in Tokyo on 24th March.

24 Mar.2022; Spring Festival in Tokyo
My brand new piece “Drape” for violin solo will get the premiere by Tatsuki Narita at The Ueno Royal Museum in 東京・春・音楽祭 / Spring Festival in Tokyo on 24th March.

12 Nov. 2021; WEW! Contemporary Music Festival
My piece “Rock ‘n’ Roll” will be performed again by Finnish guitarist Kalle Rinne at What ever Works -nykymusiikkifestivaali in Turku, Finland on 12th November.

12 Nov. 2021; WEW! Contemporary Music Festival
My piece “Rock ‘n’ Roll” will be performed again by Finnish guitarist Kalle Rinne at What ever Works -nykymusiikkifestivaali in Turku, Finland on 12th November.
28 Nov. to 5 Dec. 2021; Composer in Residence at CCM
I will be a Composer in Residence at College-Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati as the winner of Alexander Zemlinsky Prize for Composition(2019) from 28th November to 5th December.
28 Nov. to 5 Dec. 2021; Composer in Residence at CCM
I will be a Composer in Residence at College-Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati as the winner of Alexander Zemlinsky Prize for Composition(2019) from 28th November to 5th December.
Collaboration Project; Utte “Hasami Terazzo”
I composed music for the valuable project called Hasami Terrazzo. They are developing terrazzo made out of waste from pottery. 素敵なプロジェクトの音楽を制作させて頂きました。
Collaboration Project; Utte “Hasami Terazzo”
I composed music for the valuable project called Hasami Terrazzo. They are developing terrazzo made out of waste from pottery. 素敵なプロジェクトの音楽を制作させて頂きました。

田中彩子 ソプラノ・リサイタル 2021 〜COLORS OF COLORATURA〜
My brand-new piece “Ein Kleines Lied” which is written for Japanese coloratura soprano Ayako Tanaka will get its premiere in Japan for her recital tour starting from 3rd Oct. 大変光栄なことに、コロラトゥーラソプラノ歌手の田中彩子さんに新曲を委嘱させていただき、この度田中さんの日本ツアーにて初演していただけることとなりました。

田中彩子 ソプラノ・リサイタル 2021 〜COLORS OF COLORATURA〜
My brand-new piece “Ein Kleines Lied” which is written for Japanese coloratura soprano Ayako Tanaka will get its premiere in Japan for her recital tour starting from 3rd Oct. 大変光栄なことに、コロラトゥーラソプラノ歌手の田中彩子さんに新曲を委嘱させていただき、この度田中さんの日本ツアーにて初演していただけることとなりました。
Youtube “Hokuoh Kurashino Douguten”北欧暮らしの道具店
Composed music called “People living in Hokuou” for YouTube original movie by Hokuoh Kurashino Douguten. 光栄なことに、「北欧、暮らしの道具店」さんのオリジナル動画シリーズ「北欧に暮らすひと」の音楽を作曲させていただきました。
Youtube “Hokuoh Kurashino Douguten”北欧暮らしの道具店
Composed music called “People living in Hokuou” for YouTube original movie by Hokuoh Kurashino Douguten. 光栄なことに、「北欧、暮らしの道具店」さんのオリジナル動画シリーズ「北欧に暮らすひと」の音楽を作曲させていただきました。

Web magazine “Charedo” (Japanese)
New article in Charedo about being the first female Composer in Residence at The Tivoli Youth Guard. (Japanese) チボリガードの初の女性委嘱作曲家として活動させていただいていることについてウェブマガジンCharedoにて記事にしていただいております。

Web magazine “Charedo” (Japanese)
New article in Charedo about being the first female Composer in Residence at The Tivoli Youth Guard. (Japanese) チボリガードの初の女性委嘱作曲家として活動させていただいていることについてウェブマガジンCharedoにて記事にしていただいております。

My cello solo piece “The Beauty of Everyday Things” is going to be performed the first time in USA by Robert deMaine, Los Angeles Philharmonic Principal Cellist at 19-20(PDT) on 1st August 2021. It’s archived. HERE!

My cello solo piece “The Beauty of Everyday Things” is going to be performed the first time in USA by Robert deMaine, Los Angeles Philharmonic Principal Cellist at 19-20(PDT) on 1st August 2021. It’s archived. HERE!

I am grateful to win the INMF’s inaugural New Voices Competition 2021. Impulse New Music Festivalで行われましたNew Voices という女性作曲家のコンクールにて優勝者の6名に選出されました。

I am grateful to win the INMF’s inaugural New Voices Competition 2021. Impulse New Music Festivalで行われましたNew Voices という女性作曲家のコンクールにて優勝者の6名に選出されました。
Composed music for Hotel CLASKA . Enjoy the film of this beautiful hotel, loved by people from all over the world.Hotel CLASKAさんのオリジナルムービーの音楽を制作させていただきました。

21 Novermber 2019; Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
My piece MUJI for double bass solo will be performed again by James Oesi at Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival on 21st November.

21 Novermber 2019; Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
My piece MUJI for double bass solo will be performed again by James Oesi at Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival on 21st November.

24 October 2019; Calgary New Music Festival 2019
My piece “Filigree” will be performed again by Ensemble airborne extended at Calgary New Music Festival on 24th October.

24 October 2019; Calgary New Music Festival 2019
My piece “Filigree” will be performed again by Ensemble airborne extended at Calgary New Music Festival on 24th October.

18 October 2019; Vancouver New Music Festival 2019
My music is traveling to Canada! My music “filigree” for flute, recorder and harpsichord will be performed again by Airborne extended on 18th October in Vancouver Music Festival.

18 October 2019; Vancouver New Music Festival 2019
My music is traveling to Canada! My music “filigree” for flute, recorder and harpsichord will be performed again by Airborne extended on 18th October in Vancouver Music Festival.

9 November, 2019: JAMES OESI / VINCENT VAN AMSTERDAM Nieuwe Noten
My piece “MUJI” for double bass solo will be performed again at November Music festival on 9th November, at Babel in ’s-Hertogenbosch.

9 November, 2019: JAMES OESI / VINCENT VAN AMSTERDAM Nieuwe Noten
My piece “MUJI” for double bass solo will be performed again at November Music festival on 9th November, at Babel in ’s-Hertogenbosch.

Award: Zemlinsky 2019 Composition Competition
I am really happy and humble to announce that I just got the first prize of Zemlinsky composition competition with my orchestra piece “Double-face” which I wrote in 2016.

Award: Zemlinsky 2019 Composition Competition
I am really happy and humble to announce that I just got the first prize of Zemlinsky composition competition with my orchestra piece “Double-face” which I wrote in 2016.

Review: Olyrix
Thank you for the review for my piece “The Shadow in the Rain” premiered by Les Metaboles and Florentin Ginot.

Review: Olyrix
Thank you for the review for my piece “The Shadow in the Rain” premiered by Les Metaboles and Florentin Ginot.

Review: Res Musica
Thank you for the review for my piece “The Shadow in the Rain” premiered by Les Metaboles and Florentin Ginot.

Review: Res Musica
Thank you for the review for my piece “The Shadow in the Rain” premiered by Les Metaboles and Florentin Ginot.

Interview: Le monde
I am honored that the French news paper “Le monde” wrote about me with the concert with Les Métaboles and Florentin Ginot in Royaumont. Thank you. フランスの新聞が私の記事を書いてくださいました。ありがとうございます。

Interview: Le monde
I am honored that the French news paper “Le monde” wrote about me with the concert with Les Métaboles and Florentin Ginot in Royaumont. Thank you. フランスの新聞が私の記事を書いてくださいました。ありがとうございます。

8 September, 2019:Concert de l’Académie Voix Nouvelles Compositeurs II Les Métaboles, Quatuor Mivos
My new piece “The Shadow in The Rain”for 16 voices and double bass will be performed by Les Métaboles and the double bassist Florentin Ginot at Réfectoire des moines in Royaumont, France.

8 September, 2019:Concert de l’Académie Voix Nouvelles Compositeurs II Les Métaboles, Quatuor Mivos
My new piece “The Shadow in The Rain”for 16 voices and double bass will be performed by Les Métaboles and the double bassist Florentin Ginot at Réfectoire des moines in Royaumont, France.