15 Aug. 2023; Myriader af tabte minder

I’m very pleased to announce my upcoming project “Myriader af tabte minder (Myriads of Lost Memories)” which will get its world premiere on 15th August at Rudersdal Sommerkoncerter in Denmark.

The project is about lost childhood memories of the Danish soprano Ly Tran. She was born in Vietnam and came to Denmark with her family as boat refugees at the age of six. Danish is her main language and even though she still speaks Vietnamese, she has no memories from the time before she was able to speak Danish. She lost memory of her first 6 years. She has written a text based on stories gathered from her family for this project and she also recorded her mother singing Vietnamese lullabies her mother used to sing for her. Nor does she remember this. The composer Aya Yoshida quotes these elements as a part of her music.


8月15日、デンマークの音楽祭Rudersdal Sommerkoncerterで新作”Myriader af tabte minder (Myriads of lost memories)”が世界初演される。
この作品は、デンマークのソプラノ歌手Ly Tranの失われた子供時代の記憶について。彼女はベトナムで生まれ、6歳の時にボート難民として家族とともにデンマークにやってきた。デンマーク語が母国語である彼女は、今でもベトナム語を話すことができるが、デンマーク語を話せるようになる前の自身の記憶がない。彼女は自身の失われた6年を探すべく、家族から集めた話をもとにテキストを書き、母親が歌っていたベトナム語の子守唄を録音した。彼女はこの子守唄も知らない。作曲家 吉田文は、これらのテキストや子守唄をもとに、弦楽四重奏とソプラノのための作品を制作した。






【World Premiere】
Rudersdal Sommerkoncerter
August 15th 2023 at 19:30

Aya Yoshida, composer

Ly Tran, soprano
Christine Pryn, violin
@annajalving , violin
@baniaisabelle , viola
John Ehde, cello

@nonblondvagabond , Visual Design


The piece is realised through The Fair Practice Award 2022 by @danskkomponistforening . It’s already planned the piece will be performed again in @gaudeamusnl 2023 on 8th September in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
