24 Oct 2020; Japanese Water Music

Under the Umbrella

It has been already three years since I started writing this piece. It was right after my opera “Skyggen(The Shadow)” and I was very much interested in raining, water and shadow at that time. Yes, I am now too. Under the umbrella, it’s kinda personal space. You cold cover your face and body and also protect yourself from something outside, the rain. Sometimes you can share that space with another one, but often with someone special.

The rain itself doesn’t have sound. When it teaches something it sounds. You can’t have a relationship by your own, you need someone to have it.

If you are in Aarhus, please come join us to share the meditative water music on 24th Oct. The concert starts at 19:30. Our beautiful friend Anja Nedremo is also performing Japanese composer Akira Nishimura’s piece.

Alto Flute: Marie Sønderskov

Double Bass: Erik Higgins


*This piece is going to be something online later this year or the beginning of next year collaborated with the architect/designer/artist DARK FRACTURES
. Stay tuned!

来たる土曜日、10月24日、デンマークの第二都市オーフス市で行われますコンサートにて新作”Under the Umbrella”を発表いたします。
10月24日土曜日、19時半よりオーフス市にありますKammermusiksalenにて初演されます。友人でもあるサクソフォン奏者のAnja Nedremoさんも西村朗氏の作品を演奏します。
*この作品は、今年の年末、もしくは年始にオンライン上での発表も予定しております。建築家であり、デザイナー、アーティストであります Feileacán McCormickさんとのビジュアルコラボレーションを予定しており、作品の新たな一面を模索中です。今回会場にお越しいただけない皆様も、どうぞお楽しみに。
