24 Mar.2022; Spring Festival in Tokyo
My brand new piece “Drape” for violin solo will get the premiere by Tatsuki Narita at The Ueno Royal Museum in 東京・春・音楽祭 / Spring Festival in Tokyo on 24th March. The piece is commissioned by him and inspired by his favorite fashion designer Rick Owens with drape, his signature designs. The program in the concert includes very unique repertoires such as by Vinko Globokar, George Brecht and some Japanese composers. Hope to see a lot of you there at the concert but if not, there is gonna be the live streaming too so please let me know if you are interested in that…! 来たる3/24、東京・春・音楽祭の成田達輝さんのコンサートにて、新作”Drape”が上野の森美術館にて初演されます。作品は、成田さんの委嘱作品で、アメリカのファッションデザイナー、リック・オーウェンスさんのシグネイチャーデザインであるドレープから着想を得て制作しました。今回のコンサートのプログラムも日本ではあまり演奏されることのない作曲家の音楽を含むかなりユニークなものです。音楽同年代の素晴らしい演奏家の成田さんとご一緒できますこと大変楽しみにしております。会場にてお目にかかれますと嬉しいです。
17 Mar. 2023; Chamber Concert #3
I’m so much honoured to announce that I’m writing music for celebrating Copenhagen Opera House @kglteater ’s 275th jubilee and Royal Danish Orchestra’s 575th jubilee in their next season.
17 Mar. 2023; Chamber Concert #3
I’m so much honoured to announce that I’m writing music for celebrating Copenhagen Opera House @kglteater ’s 275th jubilee and Royal Danish Orchestra’s 575th jubilee in their next season.
17 Dec. 2023; Concert | mumok Matinée: mdw meets mumok
My piece “Pointed toe” for Clarinet and Viola will get another performance at Mumok in Vienna, Austria on 17th December 2023.拙作がウィーンにあります近代美術館Mumokにて再演されます。
17 Dec. 2023; Concert | mumok Matinée: mdw meets mumok
My piece “Pointed toe” for Clarinet and Viola will get another performance at Mumok in Vienna, Austria on 17th December 2023.拙作がウィーンにあります近代美術館Mumokにて再演されます。
“Ok” for Bass Clarinet will get another performance at LIMINA – Contemporary Music Festival Salzburg 2023 in Salzburg, Austria on 1st December 2023.拙作がザルツブルグにて行われます現代音楽祭LIMINAにて再演されます。
“Ok” for Bass Clarinet will get another performance at LIMINA – Contemporary Music Festival Salzburg 2023 in Salzburg, Austria on 1st December 2023.拙作がザルツブルグにて行われます現代音楽祭LIMINAにて再演されます。
BAUM |BAUM meets Kazuki Ishimatsu, Chef
Composed music for Baum.
BAUM |BAUM meets Kazuki Ishimatsu, Chef
Composed music for Baum.
“SUS – lyden af stilhed”
My brand new piece “SUS” will be premiered by Hehku Ensemble on 26th November 2023 at Musikhuset København in Copenhagen, Denmark.
“SUS – lyden af stilhed”
My brand new piece “SUS” will be premiered by Hehku Ensemble on 26th November 2023 at Musikhuset København in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Double-face for Orchestra
Double-face for orchestra (2015) Performed by CCM Philharmonia Score published by Edition-S
Double-face for Orchestra
Double-face for orchestra (2015) Performed by CCM Philharmonia Score published by Edition-S
Brief Moment ( ) A Long Tradition
Joined the project “16 People, 16 Plates” in @1616_arita_japan ‘s first book “A Brief Moment ( ) A Long Tradition” as one of 16. Composed the beginning of a pice “Petal for String Quartet” which was inspired by the identity of the plate. @1616_arita_japan さんのコンセプトブックの中の企画“16 People, 16 Plates” に参加させていただきました。
Brief Moment ( ) A Long Tradition
Joined the project “16 People, 16 Plates” in @1616_arita_japan ‘s first book “A Brief Moment ( ) A Long Tradition” as one of 16. Composed the beginning of a pice “Petal for String Quartet” which was inspired by the identity of the plate. @1616_arita_japan さんのコンセプトブックの中の企画“16 People, 16 Plates” に参加させていただきました。
8 Sep.2023; Quatuor Bozzini at Gaudeamus Festival 2023
My piece “Myriander af tabte minder (Myriads of Lost Memories)” will get The Netherlands’ premiere at @gaudeamusnl on 8th September. ( I’m a nominee of Gaudeamus Award this year…!)
8 Sep.2023; Quatuor Bozzini at Gaudeamus Festival 2023
My piece “Myriander af tabte minder (Myriads of Lost Memories)” will get The Netherlands’ premiere at @gaudeamusnl on 8th September. ( I’m a nominee of Gaudeamus Award this year…!)
8 Sep. 2023; Moving Strings at Gaudeamus Festival 2023
My brand new piece “11-Variation” will get its world premiere by @moving.strings at @gaudeamusnl in Het Huis Utrecht on 8th September. Starts at 18.
8 Sep. 2023; Moving Strings at Gaudeamus Festival 2023
My brand new piece “11-Variation” will get its world premiere by @moving.strings at @gaudeamusnl in Het Huis Utrecht on 8th September. Starts at 18.
7 Sep. 2023; Voices of the Violin at Gaudeamus Festival 2023
My piece “Drape” for violin solo will be performed by Joe Puglia the first time in Europe at Gaudeamus Festival 2023.
7 Sep. 2023; Voices of the Violin at Gaudeamus Festival 2023
My piece “Drape” for violin solo will be performed by Joe Puglia the first time in Europe at Gaudeamus Festival 2023.